Allotments have been in existence for hundreds of years, and the origin of the modern allotment began back in the 1600s, known as ‘enclosures.’
Parliamentary acts in the 1800’s provided for land to be set aside for the poor, for the provision of food growing. In no small part due to fear of civil unrest and revolt. The Commissioners should make provision for the landless poor in the form of ‘field gardens.’ Later local authorities were obliged to provide ‘allotments’ if there was a demand for them. To the Victorians allotments were a productive use of time keeping the poor away from the evils of drink and allowing them to provide wholesome food.
Due to food shortages during The Second World War allotments were in demand and the famous ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign encouraged the public to produce their own food.
Abbey View Allotments - Kennet and Avon Canal in Bath
Luca and Fig. 6 Widcombe Parade, Bath BA2 4JT 01225 571827